2 Bis Boulevard Léon Bureau 44200 Nantes
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18/01/11 - Tagdevin was at the 24rd Salon des Vins de Loire 2011 (wine exhibition located in Angers, France). [Read more]
10/20/10 - Tagdevin present to the SIAL show on the Ackerman stand: Hall 5a Stand D 061.
09/17/10 - Tagdevin present to the Scopitone festival.
05/18/10 - Tagdevin will be present at the London Wine Fair (London). [Read more]
02/11//10 - Tagdevin will be present at the Salon VINIPACK Angers. [Read more]
12/23/09 - Tagdevin was at the 23rd Salon des Vins de Loire 2010 (wine exhibition located in Angers, France) [Read more]
12/18/09 - Tagdevin makes the headline of the University of Nantes during the International Logistics Forum. [Read more]