Legal information

In application to the law 2000-719 dated 1st August 2000 relative to communication freedom modifying the law 86-1067 dated 30th September 1986 relative to communication freedom, you will find here below all legal information about this website.

Editorial management

Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP 81227
44312 Nantes cedex 03
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Protection of private information

CIn conformity with the law dated 6th January 1978 (art. 34) on computer and freedoom, you have the right to ask for any access, modification or suppression on possible private informations we may have received from you.

Author rights

The whole website is depending on the French and international regulation on author rights and industrial properties. All copy rights are reserved, including the downloaded documents, logo and pictures. Any copy of part or whole website is strictly forbidden, unless you have received a prior written authorization from us. Despite all our efforts to build up and update this website, some mistakes may appear in the different information or documents published. If you notice any mistake or wrong information, please do not hesitate to contact and inform us. We will do our best to correct them as early as possible.

Accuracy of information

We do all efforts to offer the visitors a website with a quality content. Nevertheless, we are not able to guarantee the accuracy of all information contents and service contents published on our website.

Contact | Legal notice
Copyright 2007 - SAS Capacités - All rights reserved
26 boulevard Vincent Gache 44200 Nantes (SIRET 483 434 247 00019) - Having a capital of 154.500 euros


